7 tips for beginners to start meditation at home

Sit for just two minutes. This will seem ridiculously easy, to just meditate for two minutes. Swipe next to read...

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Set aside some time - meditation works best with regular sessions. There's no rule about how long a meditation session should last, but 20 minutes is a good guide.

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Find a comfortable place - No special equipment needed; a cozy spot will do. Sit on a mat or towel, or use a chair or bed, ensuring comfort and posture.

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Bring mindfulness into meditation -  One way would be to consciously be aware of your senses. Once you're comfortable, close your eyes and then focus on each of your other senses.

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Start your meditation - Once comfortable and centered, begin meditating. Close your eyes, breathe in silently saying "breathe in", then exhale, silently saying "breathe out".

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Challenge of focusing mind - The challenge is to notice when we get distracted by a thought and consciously bring our minds back to focus on the breath.

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Get the hang of meditation - Mastering meditation takes practice.  Blanking the mind isn't meditation's aim. If a thought arises, gently refocus on your breath.

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Bring your meditation to a close - End meditation slowly. Pause after focusing, eyes closed, then gently open them, staying seated before rising.

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Read Next : Surprising Benefits of Doing Meditation Everyday for 20 Minutes.

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